
Machine learning


Gradient Descent :

Finding a local minimum or maximum of a given function is done using the iterative first-order optimization process known as gradient descent (GD).

To minimize a cost/loss function, this technique is frequently used in machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) (e.g. in a linear regression).

The gradient descent algorithm may not always work. There are two distinct prerequisites. A function needs to:

  • differentiable

  • convex


Not all functions meet these requirements, but if a function is differentiable, it has a derivative for every point in its domain.


Some examples of Differentiable equations:

f(x) = x2 = d(x)/dx = 2x

f(x) = 3sin(x) = d(x)/dx = 3cos(x)

f(x) = x3-5x = d(x)/dx = 3x2-5



Figure E.1. f(x) = x2 = d(x)/dx = 2x ; graphed equation


img 2

Figure E.2. f(x) = 3sin(x) = d(x)/dx = 3cos(x) ; graphed equation


img 3

Figure E.3. f(x) = x3-5x = d(x)/dx = 3x2-5 ; graphed equation


Some non-differentiable equations are :

f(x) = x/|x|

f(x) = √|x|

f(x) = 1/x


img 4

Figure E.4. Some un-differentiable graphed equations.


A convex function is required.

This implies that the line segment joining the points of a univariate function lies on or above the curve rather than across it.

If it does, it has a local minimum rather than a global minimum.

Two functions with model section lines are shown below.


img 5

Figure E.5. Depiction of some Convex and non convex functions.


Lets get into some maths :




Calculating the second derivative and determining whether or not its value is always greater than zero is another approach to quantitatively determine whether a univariate function is convex.


Figure E.6. Second order derivatives.


for x<0: function is convex

for 0<x<1: function is concave (the 2nd derivative < 0)

for x>1: function is convex again





Codeblock E.1. Standard Gradient Descent demonstration.



Download. Exam results csv file.



Codeblock E.2. Standard Gradient Descent demonstration with Exam result csv.


---- Summary ----

As of now you know all basics of Protein Structures.

  • Linear regression

  • Y=mx +b.

  • intercept.

  • Slope.

  • etc..




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