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Itertools module

Itertools package allows to iter through a set of iterable elements.

There are 6 itertools main categories from itertool package:

  1. Product itertool

  2. Permutations itertool

  3. Combinations itertool

  4. Accumulate itertool

  5. Groupby itertool

  6. Infinite iterators (Cycle/Count/Repeat)



Codeblock E.1. Product itertools.



Codeblock E.2. Permutations itertools.



Codeblock E.3. Combinations itertools.



Codeblock E.4. Accumulate itertools.



Codeblock E.5. Groupby itertools.



Codeblock E.6. Groupby itertools with lambda function and use of key parameter.



Codeblock E.7. Infinite iterators.


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Download. Itertools ipynb package demo file.


---- Summary ----

As of now you know how to use several variations of itertools.

  • Itertools package.

  • Product.

  • Infinite iterators.

  • etc...




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